
CoolSculpting Fat Freezing


What is Coolsculpting?

CoolSculpting is the #1 non-surgical fat reduction treatment in the world that reduces the fat by freezing them away.


The treatment results in 28-45% fat cells reduction in average, giving remarkable, surgery-like results with just one treatment setting.


In Dr. Fathi Emara Medical Polyclinic, we use different sizes of applicators from CoolScultping to freeze the excess fat around 9 body areas. The procedure is very safe and effective with no downtime or side effects and lasts between 35-75 minutes to complete. Once fat cells are frozen, they will die naturally and will be taken away through the body’s metabolism system within 3-12 weeks’ time.


Coolsculpting is the most scientifically validated technology that can target fat cells without damaging surrounding tissues and structures.

Treatment areas:

  • double chin
  • abdomen
  • arms
  • axilla (armpits)
  • back
  • inner thighs
  • outer thighs
  • fanks (love handles)
  • below the glutea (banana roll).

What Patients Ask about Coolsculpting

The ideal candidate for Coolsculpting fat freezing treatment is healthy client with normal weight range, having little or medium size fat bulge due to genetics or weight fluctuation.

Coolsculpting results are permanent as the treated fat cells don’t reproduce. However, if the person gains weight following the coolculpting treatment, the remaining cells will enlarge by size

It is important to understand that Coolsculpting isn’t a weight loss program. The stubborn fat bulge will be flattened even without any weight changes. Our experience shows, that clients, who combine Coolsculpting non surgical body contouring procedure with diet and exercise, they appreciate the results two times more.

Coolsculpting fat freezing price varies due to the size of the treating area, number of applications and type of the applications. It starts from 1,500 AED and can reach up to 10,000 AED. 


For example, medium size fat bulge on lower abdomen may require 2 “medium size” (CoolAdvantage) applicators or 1 “large” (CoolAdvantage Plus) applicator that will cost 2,500-3,000 AED for 1 session treatment.

Usually it takes 1 or max 2 sessions to see the best outcomes, if client selection is done correctly. 


Health Risks

This procedure is contraindicated for clients suffering from any form of cold-related autoimmune diseases (for example, paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria). A doctor’s detailed consultation is important to identify if the client is the right candidate for the procedure.


In extremely rare cases, clients may experience Paradoxical Adipose Hyperplasia (PAH), when the treated fat bulge reappears 4-5 months after the Coolsculpting treatment. The potential occurrence of PAH can’t be predicted for Coolsculpting clients. In that cases, local liposuction is required to remove the bulge permanently.


Some health issues, such as uncontrolled hypothyroidism, diabetic neuralgia needs to be considered while treating the clients with Coolsculpting.


What to expect

For the first 5 minutes of the treatment, clients experience deep pulling, tingling and cooling as the vacuum engages. These sensations subside and the area goes numb for the rest 40 min. the treatment is followed by 2 min manual massage which can be uncomfortable for some clients.


Mild bruising, swelling, sore throat, redness, numbness in the treated area are rare side effects that can resolve naturally during the next 24-48 hours post-treatment. Most of the clients describe the procedure as a comfortable and easy way of getting rid of the double chin.

In some cases, second or third sessions are required for the best treatment outcomes.

Should I choose CoolScultping?

Do you have other questions about CoolSculpting?

Schedule an appointment and consult with our doctors.


Pain-free treatment


Procedurs take up to 70 minutes

Long lasting

Fat cells do not recover

Safe & accurate

Scientifically Validated Technology

Our Doctors specialized in Coolsculpting